Effective Ways to Stop Excessive Sweating in Summer

By: Getdistributors

Use Antiperspirants

Use antiperspirant for underarms or other areas where you usually sweat. These products have aluminum compounds that temporarily block sweat glands and reduce sweat production. 

Regularly showering removes sweat, bacteria, and smell from your body. Apply antibacterial soap, especially to the parts of your body that are most likely to sweat, like your armpits, groin, and feet.

Shower Regularly

Consumption of enough water helps keep your body cool and reduces the chances of sweating excessively. Water is the most crucial component of our body so try to have at least eight glasses of water per day.

 Stay Hydrated

Limit Spicy Foods & Caffeine

Spicy foods and caffeine have a similar effect on your sweat glands, causing your body to sweat more. Reduce your intake of these chemicals, especially in hot weather.

Manage Stress

Stress and anxiety may be responsible for excessive sweating. Try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga that will help you control sweating and decrease stress levels.

Wear  Breathable Fabrics

Select fabrics for the clothes that are lightweight and breathable, such as cotton or linen. These fabrics will enable the air to move through your body and evaporate the sweat more quickly.

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