By: Getdistributors
Stress from work, health, finances or family can continue to engage your mind during the night and this makes it hard for you to sleep.
Anxiety & Depression
Sleep disturbances can be caused by anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. These conditions cause insomnia because they are accompanied by negative emotions and thoughts.
Some prescription drugs like antidepressants, asthma or blood pressure medications, and some over the counter drugs like decongestants can interfere with sleep.
Caffeine, Nicotine, & Alcohol
Drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes, or any other substance that contains caffeine and nicotine respectively, at night will make it difficult for you to sleep. Although alcohol may help you fall asleep faster, it will interrupt your sleep later in the night.
Medical Conditions
Some of the conditions that lead to insomnia include chronic pain, arthritis, diabetes, heart diseases, asthma, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Poor Sleep Habits
Some of the factors that hinder sleep include; taking naps, having irregular sleeping patterns, engaging in stimulating activities before going to bed, and having uncomfortable sleeping conditions.
Changes in Life Circumstances
Some of the causes of insomnia include; change of residence, change of job, bereavement, or the birth of a child among others.
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