6 Natural Ways To Reduce Humidity Level At Home

By: Getdistributors

Improve Ventilation

Ensure that windows and doors are opened to allow fresh air to circulate and thus. Ensure that there are exhaust fans in the kitchen and the bathroom to expel moist air from the rooms.

Use Houseplants

Some of the plants that can be used include peace lilies and Boston ferns since they are known to remove mferns,oisture from the air hence reducing humidity.

Use items such as silica gel, activated charcoal, or baking soda in strategic positions around the house to help reduce humidity.

Natural Desiccants

Air Conditioning

Air conditioners should be used to cool the rooms in your home while also dehumidifying the air to ensure that the humidity level is optimal.

Drying Clothes

Do not hang clothes to dry inside the house as this causes humidity in the house. However, it is recommended to use a clothesline outside or a dryer with a vent.

Manage Water Sources

Seal any cracks and cover sources of moisture such as fish tanks and cooking pots to avoid adding more moisture to the air.

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