By June 30, 2023 Read More →

Best Way to Start Drinking Water Business In India 2023

Drinking water is essential for human survival and maintaining good health. It refers to water that is safe and suitable for consumption by humans. Clean drinking water should be free from harmful contaminants and pathogens, ensuring it meets specific quality standards set by regulatory bodies. The demand for drinking water has led to the emergence of a drinking water industry, encompassing various businesses involved in the production, distribution, and sale of bottled water, purified water, or other drinking water products. These businesses may range from small-scale local enterprises to large multinational corporations.

Starting a drinking water business requires careful consideration of factors such as market analysis, regulatory requirements, investment costs, production processes, distribution channels, and marketing strategies. In this blog we know all these factors of starting a drinking water business in 2023.

Best Way to Start Drinking Water Business In India 2023

Market of bottled Drinking Water Business in India?

The market for bottled drinking water in India has experienced significant growth in recent years. The demand for packaged drinking water has risen due to factors such as increasing population, urbanization, changing lifestyles, rising disposable income, and concerns about water quality and safety.

Here are some key aspects of the bottled drinking water market in India:

  1. Market Size and Growth
  2. Consumer Preference
  3. Regulatory Framework
  4. Market Segmentation
  5. Competitive Landscape
  6. Regional Variations
  7. Sustainability and Environmental Concerns
  8. Distribution Channels

Difference Between Drinking water & Mineral water

The main difference between drinking water and mineral water lies in their composition and sources. Here are the key distinctions:

Drinking Water:

  1. Composition: Drinking water refers to water that is safe for human consumption and meets regulatory standards for potability. It typically undergoes treatment processes to remove impurities, contaminants, and microorganisms.
  2. Source: Drinking water can come from various sources such as surface water (rivers, lakes, reservoirs), groundwater (wells, aquifers), or public water supply systems.
  3. Treatment: Drinking water may go through filtration, disinfection (e.g., chlorination), and other purification methods to ensure it is safe to drink.
  4. Minerals: Drinking water may contain naturally occurring minerals present in the water source, but the mineral content is generally minimal and not a distinguishing factor.

Mineral Water:

  1. Composition: Mineral water is natural water that contains a significant amount of dissolved minerals, trace elements, and salts, giving it distinctive taste and therapeutic properties. It is characterized by its mineral content, which is typically higher than that of drinking water.
  2. Source: Mineral water is sourced from underground reservoirs or springs and is naturally enriched with minerals through contact with rocks and geological formations.
  3. Protection and Purity: Mineral water is protected from any human-induced pollution or contamination and should be bottled at the source without any further treatment that alters its mineral composition.
  4. Mineral Content: Mineral water must contain a minimum amount of certain minerals and trace elements, as specified by regulatory authorities. The composition may include minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and others, which can vary depending on the water source.


Also Read: Best Quality Packaged Drinking Water Distributorship At Pocket-Friendly Prices

Benefits of starting a drinking water business?

Starting a drinking water business can offer several benefits. Here are some key advantages of venturing into the drinking water industry:

  1. Essential Product: Drinking water is a basic necessity for human survival, making it a product with consistent and universal demand. People require clean and safe water for hydration, and starting a drinking water business allows you to cater to this essential need.
  2. Growing Market: The market for bottled drinking water has been experiencing steady growth, driven by factors such as increasing population, urbanization, and rising health consciousness. As more people seek convenient and reliable sources of drinking water, there is ample opportunity for business expansion and profitability.
  3. Recurring Revenue: Establishing a drinking water business can provide a stable and recurring revenue stream. With regular customer demand for water, particularly in high-traffic areas like offices, gyms, schools, and residential complexes, you can build a loyal customer base and generate consistent sales.
  4. Scalability: The drinking water industry offers scalability potential. As your business grows, you can expand production capacity, distribution networks, and product offerings to target new markets or regions. With effective management and strategic decision-making, you can scale your business operations and increase profitability.
  5. Diversification Opportunities: Beyond bottled drinking water, you can diversify your product portfolio to include other related offerings such as flavored water, vitamin-enhanced water, functional beverages, or reusable water bottles. This allows you to cater to different consumer preferences and tap into additional revenue streams.
  6. Branding and Differentiation: Building a strong brand in the drinking water industry can give you a competitive edge. By focusing on quality, purity, and effective marketing, you can differentiate your products from competitors and establish a reputation for trustworthiness and reliability.


Also Read: How to Apply for Bisleri Distributorship Business

How to apply for a Drinking water Distributorship?

To apply for a drinking water distributorship, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Research Potential Suppliers: Identify drinking water suppliers or brands that offer distributorship opportunities. Look for reputable companies with established products and a good market presence. Consider factors such as product quality, brand recognition, and the supplier’s support for distributors.
  2. Contact the Supplier: Reach out to the supplier directly through their website, email, or phone to express your interest in becoming a distributor. Inquire about their distributorship program, requirements, and application process. Request any necessary application forms or documentation.
  3. Understand the Supplier’s Requirements: Ask the supplier for specific details about their distributorship requirements. This may include criteria such as financial stability, storage facilities, delivery capabilities, and marketing plans. Gain a clear understanding of their expectations to determine if you meet their criteria.
  4. Prepare Your Application: Gather the necessary documentation and information required by the supplier. This may include your business registration details, financial statements, business plan, marketing strategy, and any relevant licenses or permits. Provide all requested information accurately and professionally.
  5. Submit Your Application: Complete the application form provided by the supplier and attach any required documents. Ensure that your application is well-organized and presentable. Follow any instructions provided by the supplier regarding submission methods, such as mailing, emailing, or online application portals.
  6. Follow Up: After submitting your application, follow up with the supplier to confirm receipt and inquire about the next steps in the process. This shows your commitment and interest in the distributorship opportunity. Be proactive and responsive throughout the application process.
  7. Attend Interviews or Meetings: Depending on the supplier’s process, you may be invited for an interview or a meeting to discuss your distributorship application. Prepare for these interactions by researching the supplier, understanding their product portfolio, and formulating questions to demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm.
  8. Negotiate Terms and Agreements: If your application is successful, the supplier may present you with a distributorship agreement. Carefully review the terms and conditions, including pricing, payment terms, territories, marketing support, and any exclusivity clauses. Seek legal advice if necessary before signing the agreement.
  9. Fulfill Requirements and Launch Operations: Once you have signed the distributorship agreement, work closely with the supplier to fulfill any remaining requirements. This may include ordering initial stock, setting up storage and distribution infrastructure, and implementing marketing plans. Coordinate with the supplier to establish a smooth working relationship.


Getting a dealership for Drinking Water can be a profitable business opportunity. By teaming up with a reliable brand, providing a variety of packaged Drinking water products, and maintaining high-quality standards, you can establish a thriving dealership. Simply follow the steps provided above, and start your journey towards becoming a Drinking water dealer.

For more details on enticing dealership opportunities:

Become a Dealer & Distributor

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